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Иностранные публикации

163. Deninson E.F. The Sources of Economic Growth in the United States and the Alternatives before us. - N.Y. - 1962. - P. 235.

164. Drucker P.F. Post-Capitalist Society. - N.Y., HarperCollins Publishers, 1995.

165. Ganon M.J., Flood P.C., Paauwe J. Managing human resources in the third era: economic perspectives // Business Horizons. - 1999.-May-June.-P. 41.

166. Hall D. Т., Goodale J. G. Human resource management. Strategy, design and implementation. - Glenview, USA; London, England, 1986.-716 p.

167. Johnson V., Peppas S. Crisis management in Belgium: the case of Coca-Cola // Corporate Communications: An International Journal. - 2003. - № 8/1. - P. 18-22.

168. Lippens W., Schmitz - Ohlstedt F. Jm Kreislauf der Wirtschaft. Bank - verlag. Koln, 1988.

169. Mirvis P.H. Human resource management: learders, laggards and followers // Academy of Management Executive. - 1997. - № 11/2.-P. 43-55.

170. Parsons W. Crisis management // Career Development International Journal. - 1996. - № 1/5. - P. 26-28.

171. Schuler R.S. Strategic human resource management: linking the people with the strategic needs of the people // Organizational Dynamics. - 1993. - Summer. - P.18-31.

Stern E., Sundelius B. Crisis management Europe: an integrated regional research and training program // International Studies Perspectives. - 2002. - № 3. - P. 71-88.

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