Перечень учебников

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Branham, John Practical Manpower Planning. Institute of Personnel Management, London, 1975.

Burack, Elmer, and Walker, James (eds.) Manpower Planning and Programming. Allyn & Bacon, Boston, 1972.

Craft, James Human Resource Planning and Strategy. Human Resource Management: Evolving Roles and Responsibilities, Bureau of National Affairs, Washington, DC, 1988.

Director, Steven Strategic Planning for Human Resources. Work in America Institute Studies in Productivity, Pergamon, New York, 1985.

Douglas, John, Klein, Stuart, and Hunt, David The Strategic Managing of Human Resources. John Wiley & Sons, N. Y., 1985.

Parish, Phil Recruitment Sources. Human Resource Planning, Employement and Placement, Bureau of National Affairs, Washington, DC, 1989, P.P. 103 -132.

London, Manuel, Bassman, Emily, and Fernandez, John Human Resource Forecasting and Strategy Development. Quorum, Westport, Conn., 1990.

Porter, Michael Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. The Free Press, New York, 1980.

Porter, Michael Competitive Advantage. The Free Press, New York, 1985.

Tosi, Henry, Rizzo, John, and Carroll, Stephen Managing Organizational Behavior, Harper& Row Publishers, New York, 1990.

Walker, James Human Resource Planning. McGraw-Hill, New-York, 1980.

Walker, James Human Resource Strategy. McGraw-Hill, New-York, 1992.

Werther, William, Jr., and Keith, Davis Human Resources and Personnel Management. 3rd. ed., McGraw - Hill, New York, 1989.

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