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Cespedes, Frank A Preface to Payment: Designing a Sales Compensation Plan. Slaon Management Review, Fall 1990, p.p. 59 - 69.

Gomez-Meia, Luis, (ed.) Compensation and Benefits. Bureau of National Affairs, Washington, D.C., 1989.

Graham-Moore, Brian, and Ross, Timothy Productivity Gainsharing. Prentice-Hall, Englwood-Cliffs, N.J., 1983.

Kannin-Lovers, Jill, Graham, D Variable Merit Pay Program Links Pay to Performance. Journal of Compensation and Benefits, 1988, July-August, p.p. 1 - 5.

Krajci, Thomas Pay That Rewards Knowledge. HR Magazine, June 1990, p.p. 58 - 60.

Lawler, Edward, III Strategic Pay. Jossey-Bass, San-Francisco, 1990.

Lawler, E.E. III., Mohrman, S.A., and Led ford, G. E. Creating High Performance Organizations: Practices and Results in the Fortune 1000. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995.

Led ford, G. E. "Three Case Studies on Skill-Based Pay: An Overview." Compensation & Benefits Review, 1991, vol. 23, No. 2, pp.11 - 23.

Ost, Edward Team-Based Pay: New Wave Strategic Incentives, Sloan Management Review, Spring 1990, p.p. 19 - 27.

Walker, James Human Resource Strategy, Mc-Graw Hill, Inc. 1992.

Zingheim, P. K., and J. R. Schuster How to Create and Reward High Performance in Your Organization, Compensation and Benefits Review, July-August 1995.

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