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Baird, Lloyd, and Meshoulam, Ham Managing Two Fits of Strategic Human Resource Management. Academy of Management Review, vol. 13, Ли /, p.p. 116 - 128.

Bowen, David E, and Greiner, Larry Moving from Production to Service in Human Resource Management. Organizational Dynamics, Summer 1986, p.p. 1 - 16.

Butler, John, Ferris, Gerald, and Napier, Nancy Strategy and Human Resources Management. Soth-Western Publishing, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1991.

Ceriello, Vincent Human Resource Management Systems. Lexington, New York, 1991.

Drucker, Peter Goodbye to the Old Personnel Department. The Wall Street Journal, May 22, 1986, P. 16.

Fitz-enz, Jac Human Value Management: The Value -Adding Human Resource Management Strategy for the 1990s. Jossey-Bass, San-Francisco, 1990.

Human Resource Management: Evolving Roles and Responsibilities. Bureau of National Affairs, Washington, D.C., 1988.

Shuller, Randall Repositioning the Human Resource Function: Transformation or Demise. Academy of Management Executive, vol. 4, # 3 P.P. 49 - 60.

Walker, James Human Resource Strategy, Mc-Graw Hill, Inc. 1992.

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