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Bawn K. Voter Responses to Electoral Complexity: Ticket Splitting, Rational Voters and Representation in the Federal Republic of Germany // British Journal of Political Science. - L., 1999. - Vol. 29. - № 3. - Р.488-505.

Blondel J. Comporative Government: An Introduction. - Hempstead, 1990; Голосов Г.В. Указ. соч. - С.96-99.

Bunce V. Regional Differencies in Democratization: The East Versus the South // Post-Soviet Affairs. - 1998. - Vol. 14. - № 3

Comparative Politics Today: A. World View / Ed. by G. Almond and G. Powell. - N.Y., 1996. - P.9-10.

De Winter L. A Comparative Analysis of the Electoral, Office and Policy Success of Ethnoregionalist Parties // Regionalist Parties in Western Europe. - L.; N.Y., 1998. - Р.204-247; переизд.: Сравнительная политическая регионалистика: Хрестоматия. - Краснодар, 2002. Almond G., Verba S. Civic Culture. - Princeton, 1963. - P.245.

Eisenstadt S.N. Patterns of Modernity. N.Y., 1987. Vol. II. P.4; Eisenstadt S.N. Tradition, Change and Modernity. - N.Y., 1973. - P.99, 58-59.

Gaines B. Duverger's Law and the Meanings of Canadian Exceptionalism // Comparative Political Studies. - Beverly Hills, 1999. - Vol.32. - № 7. - Р.837-838.

Irvin C.L. Militant Nationalism: Between Movement and Party in Ireland and the Basque Country. - Minneapolis, 1999.

Kircheimer O. The Transformation of West European Party Systems // Political Parties and Political Development. - Princeton, 1996: Sartori G. Parties and Party Systems. - Cambridge, 1976.

Kitschelt H. Formation of Party Cleavages in Post-Communist Democracies: Theoretical Propositions // Party Polities. - Vol.1. - 1995. - № 4. - Р.447-472; Зарыцкий Т. Указ. соч. - С.142-147, 162-163.

Letamendia P. Les partis politiques en Espagne. - Paris, 1995.

Linz J.J., Stepan A. Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe. - Baltimore; London, 1996.

Lipset S., Rokkan S. Cleavage Structures, Party Systems, and Voter Alignments // Party Systems and Voter Alignments. - N.Y., 1967. - P.1-64.

Modern Political Parties / Ed. by S.Newmann. - N.Y., 1989. P.396.

O'Donnell G., Schmitter Ph.C. Transition from Authoritarian Rule: Tentative Conclusions about Uncertain Democracies. - Baltimore; London, 1991. - P.73.

Ottaway М. Democracy Challenged: The Rise of Semi-Authoritarianism. - Washington, 2003.

Panebianco A. Political Parties: Organization and Power. - Cambridge, 1988. - P.49-68.

Party Organizations: A Data Handbook / Ed. by R. Katz and P. Mair. - L., 1992; Katz R., Mair P. Changing Models of Party Organization and Party Democracy: The Emergence of the Cartel Party // Party Politics. - 1995. Vol.1. - № 1. (http://partypolities.org)

Patterns of Modernity / Ed. by S.N. Eisenstadt. N.Y, 1987. Vol. II; Eisenstadt S.N. Tradition, Change and Modernity. - N.Y., 1973. - P.203.

Patterson S. Political Culture of American States // The Ecology of American Political Culture. - N.Y., 1975. - P.59.

Solnick S. Russia's "Transition": Is Democracy Delayed Democracy Denied? // Social Research. - 1999. - Vol. 66. - № 3

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